Naruto na srpskom
Naruto na srpskom

Each piece ideally suits the tone of the scene and serves well to heighten the series’ comedy, tension and drama. Toshio Masuda delivers a first-rate score to accompany the visuals. Though these idiosyncrasies aren’t spectacularly inventive, the result is nonetheless effective. Details such as Kiba’s emphasised canine teeth help to re-affirm that he comes from a clan that works with ninja dogs, while the ‘Inner Sakura’ provides ample humour throughout.

naruto na srpskom

Each character displays an odd visual attribute to match the quirk of their personalities. The series’ character designs are acceptable, but standard. However, the fight scenes do demonstrate some respectable movement, helping the viewer to engage with the action. Naruto doesn’t boast any exceptional animation, though from a long-running series, I don’t anticipate much else.

Naruto na srpskom series#

While marginally better than the dismal turds of filler that Bleach foists upon its viewers, I would still rather repeatedly stab myself in the leg with a kunai than sit through this third of the series again. Half a point goes to the ‘Curry of Life’ arc, which at least raises a smile, but the rest fail to make a lasting impression. It was all going so well until I was unceremoniously dumped into an eighty-five-episode run of filler – goodbye quality storytelling, hello mediocrity! The extraneous episodes add nothing to the plotline, and honestly I couldn’t give a flying shuriken about the hidden star village, or some rare beetle with an incredible sense of smell. I found myself completely enthralled in the world of the Konoha ninja in particular, the Chuunin Exam, Hunt for Tsunade, and Sasuke Retrieval arcs had me so engrossed, that even getting up and going to the loo became an unforgivable interruption. Luckily, Naruto balances the comedic content perfectly with the kick-ass action and riveting fights. For me, the inclusion of well-placed humour can make or break a shounen anime. This allows the series to become more than simply a young shinobi completing his missions.Īlso, as is typical with such anime, the series includes a healthy dose of comedy. I find that this is when Naruto becomes far more intriguing as, with each event, more details came to light about the character’s pasts. Though initially the series appears to focus more on Naruto himself, attention soon shifts more towards the bigger picture and the introduction of the show’s main villain – Orochimaru. Nevertheless, despite following this conventional recipe, I still found the plot wholly gripping.

naruto na srpskom

Group of friends whose bonds are stronger than any foe – check. Said character rapidly improves and becomes more powerful with each passing mission – check. Lively, young male lead protagonist with an unusually strong power – check. Instead it joins a plethora of other similar shows and happily falls back on a box-ticking exercise. No matter how I look at it, Naruto doesn’t attempt to push the boundaries of the shounen genre all that much. The show follows him in the early stages of his career and the deadly foes that not only pose a threat to Konoha, but also to himself and the entire ninja world.

naruto na srpskom

Shortly after he was born, the powerful nine-tailed demon fox was sealed inside him and, as the host of this monster, Naruto has spent his life as the village outcast. Twelve year-old shinobi-in-training, Naruto Uzumaki, lives in the hidden ninja village of Konoha.

naruto na srpskom

With all the extensive publicity, fanboyism and build-up surrounding the series, I had foolishly come to anticipate that Naruto would be different however, as I soon came to discover, I was wrong. Consisting of dizzying highs of compelling fights followed by the bitterly crushing disappointment of tedious filler, the genre in itself becomes a love/hate affair. I’m not ashamed to admit that I adore shounen anime, but it's a rocky romance.

Naruto na srpskom